15 Sep 18

Click HERE for the Gabaldon Family Blog

Click HERE for the Gabaldon Porch WebCam.

Or HERE to go directly

0) The original home site (Actually the 2nd Generation one.)

1) The girls June 09 Dance    [Videos are Broken]

2) The Jeanette Marshall Award    [Videos are Broken]

4) Our 2009 Vacation (It's now done!)   [Videos are Broken]

5) The neighborhood 4th of July bash.   [Videos are Broken]

6) The girls Dance in Las Vegas NV.    [Videos are Broken]

7) Our day trip to Kennedy Meadows.    [Click on NEW]

9) Ballerina Girl   [Videos are Broken]

10) Dance (June 2010) {Just pics for now, movies later.}[Videos are Broken]

11) Newport Dunes Resort {Now with REAL VIDEOs!}  [Videos are Broken]

12) Our 2010 Vacation (Disney Cruise!)     [Click on NEW]

13) Gell'ys Tech Trek in Santa Barbara   [Videos are Broken]

14) SNOW DAY!!! Added more videos. 17 Jan   [Videos are Broken]

   Started on Sunday and lasted long enough to cancel School.

15) Family Ski Trip!   [Click on NEW]

16) May Dance Recital (It wasn't real soon but enjoy.)   [Videos are Broken]

17) Gelly's 8th Grade Graduation   [Click on NEW]

18) Charris in Scotland   [Click on NEW]

22) Found some old pictures of Pete.   [Click on NEW]

25) I'm da Baby    [Videos are Broken]

26) I'm da Baby (A second version of "I"m da Baby.)

29) Granny (Downloadable photos. One more video to come later.)

3) Charris Graduation Videos   [Videos are Broken]

For the three or two people who actually access this site. I had to regenerate this top level site. (My old software is no longer supported so I had to learn a new one.) The links are good. However, the pages they point to also need to be regnerated. The photos are good but the video's are mostly "not working." I'll figure them out, eventually.

30) 2017 Gaduates (Updated videos. 29 May 2017.)

31) Trona Pinnacles  Just trying to overwork the dog(gies).

                                        (Added a color corrected version of the video - 8 Jul 2017)

32) The Best of Videos (Some old videos.)

Click on the NEW to see the mostly fixed pages.





33) August Kennedy Meadows (Our quick weekend trip to Kennedy Meadows.)


34) Some Diploma Portraits (You should be able to download and print them.)

35) Catalina Island Mommy and Me, and a Buf or two....

36) By Popular demand......SUPERSTAR GRANNY

37) A quick weekend trip to Vandenberg AFB. NASAs ICE SAT-2