17 July - Made it back home Friday at 10:30PM. We stayed in Kingman, AZ for 4 hours to avoid the heat. Even then it was 117 at 6PM in Needles, CA. (BAD PLANNING on my part...)
17 July - Finishing up the pics and vids. Sorry, I didn’t take any pics in Hobbs. My bad.
9-11 July - Adding Video’s. Remember, the videos will require Quicktime. Available from here.
9 July - Added Auntie D’s pictures.
8 July. FINALLY have access. The USB Modem seems to work. Sprint, not so much. Video’s when I can figure out the new camera and software.
8 July - Last day at “The Magic Kingdom”
7 July - Finished the cruise and started at Orlando Disney World.
4 July - Cruise day three. Independence Day on Disney’s “Castaway Cay” Island. It was a BLAST.
3 July - Added pics for our first two days on board the ship....Whew!
(Not sure when I’ll have internet access to upload them. Slow and probably not cheap.)
1 July  - Made it to Florida! Check the pics and vids. (Bandwidth is slow.) Pics now, vids later. Tomorrow we find the Ship. “The Disney Wonder.”
29 June - A round of Putt Putt Golf. Pics here and video here. For some reason the scorekeeper had the best score. I mean I’m just saying.....   |;-)
28 June - A few pics from Granny’s. No baseball game, a bit to wet. It was 106°F back in Ridgecrest today. The power is back!  Added a quick video, maybe.
27 June - Made it to Albuq. Added pics and a video from Williams AZ.
24 June - Click the menu items above. (Currently, “Welcome” and “Coast2Coast”.) 

That time again!
Well, we will soon be on the road again.  Long road, long miles, long airports, long lines... Should be lots of fun. But I think we’ll need a vacation when we return...

Pictures to be updated as they happen, when they happen. (When I can find WiFi.) Vids when the bandwidth is available. I hope I don’t forget the camera, or the passports or something really important. (I guess I didn’t forget the camera...)  

Click HERE for our itinerary.http://support.apple.com/kb/DL837http://support.apple.com/kb/DL837Airports/Airports.htmlAirports/Pages/Day_1.htmlAlbuq/Pages/Golf.htmlWilliams,_AZ/Williams,_AZ.htmlCoast2Coast.htmlhttp://ical.me.com/gabaldon/Vacationshttp://ical.me.com/gabaldon/Vacationsshapeimage_1_link_0shapeimage_1_link_1shapeimage_1_link_2shapeimage_1_link_3shapeimage_1_link_4shapeimage_1_link_5shapeimage_1_link_6shapeimage_1_link_7shapeimage_1_link_8shapeimage_1_link_9shapeimage_1_link_10
Our 2010 Vacation

17 July 10